Data Preservation

It's amazing how many people don't take data preservation seriously until they've suffered a catastrophic loss. You lose a couple emails.... you'll live. You lose the only copies of family photos you spent 5 years scanning... you get the idea. Determining how much data you have will dictate the storage media to use. Sometimes it's a CD/DVD but with file sizes these days, it's most likely a second or external hard drive.

- Offered Services -

  • Data storage evaluation and consultation
  • Locate and centralize data
  • Back up strategy and implementation
  • Back up automation
  • Implement data security on mobile devices - Laptop/Flash/iPods
  • Implement data security using EFS and third party encryption
  • Password strategies

- Tips -

Backup - If there is ANYTHING you've installed, created, spent endless hours on, or cannot function without, implement a backup strategy.

Security - Sometime paranoia can be a good thing. If you have any personal or financial data that absoultely cannot be shared, use encryption. If you use EFS, make sure you back up your key.

